jueves, 18 de octubre de 2007

Partners Work

Fernando Mora (me): I have done a puzzle of family members and a questionary of Genious, that said that if you have a bad handwriting you could be a genious.
Alan Barron: He did a work of the topic about space satellite of Russia, USA, Brazil, Japan and they would send it to the space to prove if it´s possible that be life.
Victor Arrieta: He read about Salem sailing, that people began to kill women because they thought that they were witches.
Diego Hurtado: He read about oceans, the oceans are the base of Earth´s life, the article talks about animals and plants.
Ricardo Sandoval: He read a topic related about space, an international space station would be send. The countries that participate are: Russia, Japan, Brazil, USA, they would study biomedical projects.

1 comentario:

Mtra. Marsella dijo...

OK, very good Fernando, now you just write the url of the site you did the questionnaries, so we can also check them, OK? See you, Mtra. Marsella