martes, 13 de noviembre de 2007


Capabilities in the Field of Nanotechnology

The University of Surrey (UniS) pursues a clear mission to serve society by producing dedicated people with appropriate knowledge and skills as well as by providing imaginative and technologically informed solutions for industry, commerce and the professions.

The range of UniS’ expertise in the expanding field of nanotechnology is significant. The majority of the scientific and engineering capability for nanotechnology is within research groups and centres belonging to the Schools of Engineering, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences as well as Electronics and Physical Sciences. Societal, organisational, ethical, and risk perception issues are also dealt with within the School of Human Sciences and the European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences. The following tables provide a general, but not exhaustive, overview of capabilities.

1 comentario:

Mtra. Marsella dijo...

Hi Fer, well you tell me many things about the University of Surrey but I still don´t know anything about nanotechnology. Please, read more about it and try to express what is your point in investigation about the nanotechnology, OK?